Hot Topics - Page 2
Doctrinally-"hot" topics are discussed and scripture is reviewed to see what God commands regarding such topics. The discussion may be sensitive and controversial, but it is always biblical.
Pulpit Preaching: More stories, less doctrine?
Demonic Activity in the Church?
Publicly Pointing Out False Teachers?
Once saved, Always saved?
Why share the Gospel?
Doctrine Divides?
Modern Church: Fill the building, Feed the believer?
Binding Satan?
Hearing the Voice of God?
The Mystery of the Bible?
Various Modern-day Bible versions?
The Purpose of the Parables?
Celebrity Christians?
Binding and Loosing?
Breaking Generational Curses?
Have all spiritual gifts ceased?
Giving God permission to unleash his power?
What is Justification?
What is Sanctification?
What is Glorification?
Demonic Activity in the Church?
Publicly Pointing Out False Teachers?
Once saved, Always saved?
Why share the Gospel?
Doctrine Divides?
Modern Church: Fill the building, Feed the believer?
Binding Satan?
Hearing the Voice of God?
The Mystery of the Bible?
Various Modern-day Bible versions?
The Purpose of the Parables?
Celebrity Christians?
Binding and Loosing?
Breaking Generational Curses?
Have all spiritual gifts ceased?
Giving God permission to unleash his power?
What is Justification?
What is Sanctification?
What is Glorification?